Our Impact

United Nations SDGs

(Sustainable Development Goals)

Our programs, events, and ventures exist to create measurable impact in these areas
directly aligned with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals
Quality Education

Economic Growth

Industry Innovation

Reduced Inequalities

Partnership for Goals

Impact Metrics

Since our journey began, we have been committed to empowering youth through practical entrepreneurship education. We have mentored over 200 youth, providing them with hands-on work experience that equips them with real-world skills and a success-driven mindset.

In addition, our community educational content has resonated globally, reaching over 41.5 million on YouTube, and inspiring learners across of the world.

Through the generous support of our community and partners, we have raised $278,000 in sponsorships, enabling us to expand our mission and make a lasting difference in the lives of young aspiring entrepreneurs. 

Together, we’re building a brighter future by nurturing the innovators and leaders of tomorrow

Students Trained
YouTube Reach
Sponsorships Raised

Youth Development

We are passionate about providing opportunities for youth development.

We believe that this fosters confidence, competency in skills that are valuable in the real world and that is why we offer mentorship and experiential training throughout the year at Accelerate Change.

Developing youth skills through real-world experience is an important value of Accelerate Change.  We offered on-the-job training for 90+ high school students through our TEDxGrandPark event in Downtown Los Angeles, CA.

38 students under 18 years old became TEDxGrandPark Alumni as they delivered powerful talks and experiences for the audience.

Students were able to enhance their college applications and LinkedIn resumes that led to higher admission rates and scholarship offers. Graduating seniors from our programs were accepted into prestigious universities such as UCLA, USC, University of Florida and Carnegie Mellon.

Catalyzing Connections

Your support continues to help us grow our platform and the scope of our network. Through our “Active Networking” initiatives, launched in the TEDxGrandPark Hub, Brodie Butler’s Skid-Row Science Club was developed from initial idea to fully implemented program.  

We formed a partnership with USC Keck School of Medicine and are working on the first research to be published on how health education can be used as an empowerment tool to improve self-advocacy and heal outcomes in the homeless community” – Brodie Butler.

V/R + Street Medicine

A direct ripple effect of our TEDxGrandPark event was connecting two bright minds from different industries to collaborate on a very cool project. Brett Feldman – Director of Street Medicine at USC Keck School of Medicine and Erin Reynolds – an award-winning game designer connected to develop a virtual reality experience to help street medicine faculty and students to understand better how to deliver care on the streets.

They have won an initial grant from USC to develop this project and we are excited to have catalyzed this development.

Pitch Perfect

We partnered with Social Venture Partners LA and PATH as part of a pitch competition for $500,000 through United Way’s LA Homeless Challenge.  

PATH, pitched for by Tescia Uribe, made it to the top 5 out of 50 organizations that are making changes to solve the issues for Los Angeles’ 75,000+ homeless people.

We are proud to help PATH and to have been a supporter of the LA Homeless Challenge Pitch Event.


We are committed to giving a platform to those who may otherwise not be seen and heard. All too often the voices, ideas and insights of children are dismissed for lack of experience or perspective. Through our AccelerateEvents initiatives we provide an outlet that enabled four major TEDx talks to reach over 100,000 views and inspire both the young speakers taking the stage but also those watching around the world.